Community ProjectsA society grows great when people plant trees whose shade they know they shall never sit in.” ~Greek proverb
Projects fulfilling this mission are proposed by our Community Projects Committee, approved by our Board of Directors, and authorized by a majority vote of the CGC membership. Non-profit organizations seeking information on how to apply for CGC funding may contact [email protected] or download the form: Final Reports are DUE for 2023 Projects.
Country Garden Club's History of Giving:
Our mission is to promote knowledge of horticulture and conservation and to enhance our community’s natural environment. From our first funded project in 1934 until now, we have raised over $750,000 for community projects. Ongoing projects are listed in the decade the commitment was first made. 2020’s 2023 Arbor Day Tree $244 2023 Downtown Holiday Decorations $2676 2023 Downtown Hanging Baskets $1008 2023 Black Swamp Intern Scholarships $3000 2023 Aurora Project Community Garden $3000 2023 Ft Meigs Landscaping $3212 2023 Tackling Maumee River Debris $1669 2023 Rossford Garden Plant Labels $1750 2023 HPI Native Prairie Sign $1000 2023 PJHS Wildflower Outdoor Lab $6000 2023 WW Knight Boardwalk Replacement $4000 2023 Falcon Food Pantry/Garden Shed $750 2022Downtown Holiday Decorations $2,675 2022 Downtown Hanging Baskets $1,008 2022 Black Swamp Intern Scholarship $1,800 2022 Arbor Day Tree $244 2022 Way Library Landscaping – New Parking Lot $4,364 2021 City of Perrysburg-Watering Baskets $1,794 2021 Downtown Holiday Decorations $5,170 2021 Hanging Baskets for Downtown $927 2021 Rotary Park Landscaping $6,280 2021 Scholarship–Black Swamp Conservancy Intern $1,800 2020 Arbor Day Tree $111 2020 Bee Houses-Boy Scout Troop 110 $1,000 2020 City of Perrysburg-Rte. 25 Landscape $10,629 2020 Black Swamp Conservancy Landscaping $8,000 2020 Hospice Garden Restoration $700 2020 Perrysburg Area Historical Museum – Garden $100 2020 577 Foundation Scholarship – Intern $1200 2010’s 2019 Reduction of Single-Use Plastic Bags Project $3,948 2019 577 Scholarship $2,400 2019 Hanging Baskets for Downtown $1,080 2019 Downtown Holiday Decorations $4,361 2019 Sawyer Preserve $2,007 2019 P. J. H Water Bottle Fillers $9,950 2018 Hanging Baskets Downtown $1,008 2018 Hospice of Northwest Ohio $5,430 2018 577 Foundation Scholarship $1,800 2018 Perrysburg Historical Museum $3,569 2018 Way Public Library $265 2018 Arbor Day Tree $250 2018 Holiday Decorations Downtown $4,195 2017 Hanging Baskets Downtown $1,020 2017 Perrysburg historical Museum $1,800 2017 Downtown Holiday Decorations $4,579 2017 Arbor Day Tree $250 2016 Downtown Holiday Decorations $4172 2016 Garden shed for Hospice of Northwest Ohio $3,974 2016 Junior Master Gardener Program, 577 Foundation $338 2016 Wood County Parks, Sawyer Nature Preserve $32,800 2016 Arbor Day Tree $300 2016 Stepping Stone for Governor’s Mansion $250 2016 Black Swamp Conservation Scholarship $1,500 2016 Hanging Baskets for Downtown $1,120 2015 First Friday $469 2015 Hanging Baskets Downtown $1,100 2015 Arbor Day Tree $250 2015 Downtown Holiday Decorations $2,937 2015 Growing 2 Give $3,980 2014 Way Public Library Tree Replacement $4,188 2014 Nature Conservancy-Kitty Todd Preserve $2,625 2014 Perrysburg Village Voices $2,175 2014 Cocoon Shelter $200 2014 Toledo Museum of Art $500 2014 Country Garden Endowment Fund $1,359 2013 Perrysburg Heights Community Garden $290 2013 Perrysburg Heights Community Association $250 2013 Wood County Parks $350 2013 Penta Career Center $250 2013 Country Garden Club Endowment Fund $1,510 2010 Growing 2 Give $2,675 2000’s 2009 Rotary Park Tree Donation $2,000 2009 Garden Club of America Centennial Project $2,675 2008 PAAC Sculpture Garden $6,000 2007 Perrysburg Heights $5,985 2006 City of Perrysburg Gateway Project $16,861 2006 WCPD Greenhouse Projects $100 2006 Perrysburg Schools Veggie U $4,000 2005 Garden Club of America Endowment Fund $100 2004-12 Perrysburg Hanging Baskets $9,960 2004-05 Ohio Forestry Camp Scholarship $160 2004 Country Garden Club Endowment $50 2004 Hospice of Northwest Ohio Tree $400 2004 Maumee River Water Monitoring $43 2003-09 Triennial Flower Show $15,182 2003-05 W. W. Knight Nature Preserve Lab $30,000 2003 Milestone Park $600 2003 Toth School Beautification $100 2003 Way Public Library Patio Garden $200 2002-07 Garden Club of America Scholarship Fund $2,100 2002-03 Wildflower Fund $50 2001-02 Black Swamp Bird Observatory $100 2000-05 Way Public Library $75,000 2000-02 Awards $107 2000-01 Toledo Botanical Garden $5,000 2000-01 Books for Library $55 2000-01 Scenic Ohio $100 1990’s 1999-04 Hospice of Northwest Ohio Gazebo $8,000 1999-01 Daffodil Bulbs for City Park $472 1998-04 Nature Conservancy $4,100 1998-00 Scholarships $750 1998-00 Feed Your Neighbor $15 1998-99 Garden Club of America Book Donations $265 1997-98 Garden Club of America Butterfly Garden $1,000 1997-98 Perrysburg Playground Project $5,000 1997-98 Perrysburg Arts Council $4,230 1997-98 Betty Corwin Trees for City $2,500 1996-99 Big Darby Creek $200 1996-98 Community Parks $545 1996-97 Perrysburg Heights Community $4,280 1995-02 Black Swamp Conservancy $4,010 1995-96 Scenic Byways $100 1994-10 Arbor Day Tree Fund $3,600 1994-2001 W. W. Knight Nature Preserve $78,257 1994-95 Way Public Library $1,000 1994-95 Save the Commodore $1,000 1993-2001 Maumee Valley Heritage Corridor $725 1993-95 Eco Logics School $3,050 1993-94 Ohio Dept. of Natural Resources Wildlife Fund $75 1992-93 Perrysburg Heights $3,050 1991-98 Scenic America Slippery Elm Trail $75 1991-94 Perrysburg Green Fund $5,726 1991-92 Woodsey Owl Costume $2,670 1991-92 Garden Club of Ohio $150 1991-92 Perrysburg 175th Celebration $108 1990-93 Way Public Library $8,748 1990-91 International Fellowship $200 1990-91 Ohio Department of Natural Resources $94 1990-91 Parents Against Substance Abuse $50 1980’s 1989-95 Biennial Flower Show $2,760 1989-93 Friends of the Parks $75 1989-90 Hood Park $17,500 1989-90 Tree City $50 1989-90 577 Foundation $2 1988-93 Toledo Garden Forum $345 1988-91 Ohio Environmental Council $200 1986-88 Wood County Parks $700 1986-88 Perrysburg Revitalization $300 1986-88 Garden Club of American Interchange Fellowship $450 1986-87 Flower Show $1,140 1986-87 City of Perrysburg Green Fund $200 1985-96 Woodlands Park $3,163 1985-86 Acid Rain Partnership $50 1984-86 OCTR Horti-therapy $5 1984-85 Wood County Mental Health Tree $65 1984-85 Arbor Day Tree $200 1984-85 Junior League of Toledo Tree $254 1984-85 Rapids Road/Route 20 Plantings $1,575 1983-85 National Parks Conservation $15 1983-85 Garden Club of Ohio Scholarship $25 1983-84 Maumee Valley Historical Society $250 1983-84 Christmas Trees/Decorations $512 1982-95 Student Conservation Association $250/yr. 1982-90 Perrysburg Arbor Day $200 1982-88 Crosby Gardens $25/yr. 1982-83 Toledo Museum of Art El Greco Exhibition $500 1982-83 Orleans Park Bird Houses $115 1982-83 Historic Perrysburg $25 1982-83 Christmas Trees/Decorations $909 1982-84 Perrysburg Chamber of Commerce $35 1981-82 Various project expenditures $150 1981-82 Woodland Park Plantings $250 1980-86 Save Old Portage Association $25/yr. 1980-2001 Historic Perrysburg $200 1980-81 Perrysburg Bike Path $850 1980-81 Fort Meigs Fife & Drum Corp $25 1970’s 1979-80 Forestry Scholarships $110 1978-79 Santa Cruz Island Fund $50 1978-79 Fort Meigs Bike Path $2,000 1978-79 Perrysburg Parks Brochure $115 1977-78 Trees for Bicentennial Park $198 1977-78 American Land Trust $163 1976-77 Hood Park –Live Spruce Tree $800 1976-77 Urban Design Study $1,250 1975-79 Bicentennial Celebration and Park $1,000 1973-89 Nature Conservancy, Ohio Forestry, Crosby Gardens, & other worthy projects $1,000/yr. 1970-75 Orleans Park Landscaping $4,000 1960’s 1968 Downtown Revitalization $200 1965-66 Commodore Perry/Hood Park, State Hospital Flowers, Sesquicentennial Celebration, $2,000 1965-2021 Downtown Perrysburg Christmas Decorations $133 1963 Youth Recreation Center Grounds $2,796 1963 Perrysburg High School Plantings $2,500 1963 Penta Landscape Design & Horticulture Library $2,000 1950’s 1954 Flower Arrangements for TMA Dutch Paintings Exhibit $275 1954 Way Library Plantings $250 1940’s 1949 TMA Painting of Flowers Exhibit $529 1947 Edna Ford Knight Garden $100 1947-48 Library Landscape $300 1941-46 Victory Gardens, Sewing, Christmas Decorations, Donations in kind 1940 Tools and Equipment $25 1940 Hood Park Improvements $330 1930’s 1939-48 Christmas Doorway Contest $462 1939 Wildlife Conservation Education $10 1939 Library Garden $47 1936 Junior Garden Club Established $15 1936 Parking Strip Maintenance $150 1934 Gas Station Beautification $50 1934 Public School Lunch Program $25 1934 Walbridge Park Wildflowers $10 1934 Dixie Highway Beautification $50 1934 Wildflower Garden, Radio Show $35 1934 Louisiana Avenue Plantings $999 Recent ProjectsW.W. Knight Project
In 1993, the Knight family generously donated forty-three acres of land to the Wood County Park District. The Park District, together with descendants of W. W. Knight and members of the Country Garden Club, then finalized plans for what is now the W. W. Knight Nature Preserve. The Country Garden Club has been involved with each phase of the development of this unique Nature Preserve with its distinct areas of prairie, wetland, and native meadow as well as its wildlife habitats. The Country Garden Club first contributed $75,000 over six years for the construction of a trail and boardwalk along the pond. Then, in 1995 the Garden Club received a $5,000 award from the Garden Club of America’s Founder Fund which, combined with $15,000 raised by members, allowed the Country Garden Club to finance the Prairie Restoration Project at the Nature Preserve. In 1996 the selected three- acre site was planted with seeds from native prairie plants. The prairie is now a living museum with over forty different grasses and forbs. More recently, the Country Garden Club contributed $40,000 to fund the Educational Lab in the Nature Center at the W. W. Knight Nature Preserve, fulfilling the Club’s stated purpose “to promote the knowledge of horticulture and conservation and to enhance our community’s natural environment.” Reduction of Single-Use Plastic Bags in Perrysburg
In 2019 Country Garden Club offered the Perrysburg community the opportunity to reduce the number of single-use plastic bags in circulation. The Garden Club provided reusable, insulated shopping bags for the Perrysburg Christians United Food Pantry and the Zoar Lutheran Church Food pantry and they worked with the city of Perrysburg to educate the community on the negative impact of single-use plastic on the environment and to provide a convenient, environmentally-safe alternative to single-use plastic bags. The Country Garden Club’s reusable, insulted bags can be seen on the arms of environmentally conscious shoppers all around town. Landscaping of the Spafford House Historic Museum
In 2017, three years after the opening of the Spafford House Historical Museum, Country Garden Club funded the landscaping of the site. The landscaping around the foundation of the house, the plantings in the Pioneer Utilitarian Garden, and the fencing with boxwoods along the front perimeter of the property are all in keeping with the historical significance of the museum, providing curb appeal and recognition for this historical site. Ongoing and Historical ProjectsSawyer Quarry Nature Preserve – Wood County Parks
The Country Garden Club contributed over $32,000 to Sawyer Nature Preserve – Wood County’s newest park – to help with parking lot and signage creation, trails, and seating. A portion of the proceeds raised from each year’s Trunk Show is used to fund projects that benefit our community. Holiday Trunk Show
In 1987, CGC began raising money by inviting vendors and shoppers to a trunk show at Carranor Hunt and Polo Club. For over 30 years, the annual Holiday Trunk Show has been the main source of funding for the CGC’s community projects. The show is a three day shopping extravaganza featuring 20-25 boutiques from around the country and attracts approximately 1500 shoppers each year.
Did you Know….
That the Country Garden Club helps out the Hospice of Northwest Ohio? Each spring the members of CGC plant the 27 containers which sit outside patient rooms at Hospice. Each year the Country Garden Club donates the Arbor Day Tree to the City of Perrysburg. For 2021, a native Buckeye tree was planted at Three Meadows Park. This tree will grow to 25 feet with a 20 foot spread.